Thursday, June 30, 2011

To Big Boy Bed or not to Big Boy Bed...THAT is the question!

So what, dear readers, is the answer?! This is one that has been mystifying me for some time now. My son is just barely over two years old, and my husband thinks he is ready for a capital B-i-g, capital B-o-y, capital B-e-d! While that may, or may not, be the case, I do not think that I am ready!

This is not a question of wanting to keep my baby a baby as long as possible, it is about SLEEP! Of which I love, and my son does not. We have always had trouble getting him to sleep, getting him to stay asleep, and then getting him back to sleep! My argument is that he has not climbed out of his crib yet, so why put him in a bed that doesn't have four walls and that he can get out of?!

I have done everything that I can do to mentally prepare for the switch from crib to Big Boy Bed. I have used retail therapy to see if that would help, but the anxiety is still there. I have let my creative juices flow, deciding what theme to outfit his bedroom in and still, anxiety. Once again, it is not about my baby growing up, it is about the SLEEPING!!

I can buy whatever fancy Captain's Bed or bunk bed that I want. I can buy sheets with dinosaurs or pirates. I can buy a dozen decorative throw pillows and decorate his room with Toy Story paraphernalia, it is not going to make him sleep! If there was a magic quilt or a secret pillow that allowed the Sandman to sprinkle sleepy dust on my precious little sleep fighter, I would buy it today and offer them double the price! Sadly, it does not exist. I checked...twice.

So, here we are back at the same crossroads. To bed, or not to bed. I have gathered all necessary materials, we are as ready as we will ever be, and we are constructing the bed set this weekend. We are taking the plunge into Big Boy Bed territory! My hope is that my son, who if was ever one of Snow White's dwarfs he would be called Unsleepy, loves his new bed and wants to stay in it! I know he can do it, I'm sure of it. Super confident in my little boy, yes I am.

I'm keeping the crib set up next to his bed, just in case.