Since bringing new life into this world almost two years ago, I have learned that I am now technologically inept. I, myself, was born with a Nintendo controller in my hand, ready to make Mario punch blocks above his head for those oh-so-gleaming gold coins. I could play any game on any system and didn't need one manual to tell me what to do. I could work my walkman, and eventually, discman, with ease (yup, I'm THAT old!). I could maneuver my way around a computer and I could work a VCR like nobody's business. Please note that I am NOT so old as to have had a BETA player or 8-track.
However, since becoming a Mommy I have been rendered useless when it comes to any form of technology. The Nintendo Wii baffles me, I have NO IDEA how to work my iPod save for turing the cursed thing on, and my Blackberry Pearl only serves to make straightforward calls, with the occational simple text message. Mostly it acts as a paper weight.
What HAPPENED to me??!! They say children are born with the knowledge of how to use all of the current technological gadgets. How? Well, I've figured it out!! The little monsters steal it from us, the poor, unsuspecting, loving mothers that give life to them after countless hours of excruciating pain!! Somewhere between my water breaking and my son entering the world, he stole my techno-saviness, rendering me a techo-moron, completely clueless as to how to use any new technological advances.
I guess I am now destined for a life of having eyes rolled at me while my son helps me with EVERY electronic device in my life. Sigh.
Hi I just wanted to let you know that I like your blog so I'm passing along the Versatile Blogger Award.
Thanks so much, you just made my day!